How to Cancel an Order

NOTE: Once you cancel an order in Business Central, there is no way to undo it.  The only way to re-open the order is to re-key it in as a new order. 


Step 1: Get approval from CE Lead or Director to cancel the order

Step 2: Search for the Sales Order

Step 3: Check the fulfillment status. If the status is Fulfilled, continue to Step 4. If the status is Pending Fulfillment, move on to Step 5

Step 4: Send a message to production to ensure that the order has not been started yet. If the order has been started, we cannot cancel it.

Step 5: Cancelling the order.

Click on Actions > Functions > Cancelled SO

Step 6: A pop-up asking "Do you want to Cancel Sales Document?" comes up.  Click Yes.  The Fulfillment Status of the order will now change to Cancelled.

Step 8: Leave a user note in the Sales Order explaining why the order was closed.


If the order has been fulfilled:

Step 1: Leave the following Warehouse Instruction user note in the PO:  Order has been cancelled.  Please return items on this PO back to the vendor.

Step 2: Let Logistics Receiving know that the order has been cancelled in the Stock Cancellation team

Note to leave:

@Logistics Receiving

WO 123456 has been cancelled.  Please RA the stock back to the vendor(s)

If the order is Pending Fulfillment:

Step 1: Email the vendor with the PO number to let them know that we will be cancelling the PO. (Note - If they inform you that the PO cannot be cancelled, follow Step 2 above)

Step 2: Delete the PO


Request a refund. In HelpScout, use the Refund Request form to email requesting for them to refund the pieces on the order.  

- Ensure the subject of your email is CANCELLED ORDER - WEB_____ / WO_____

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