BACKORDERS - How to Fix a Partial Backorder / Change an Item on an Order

1. Open the PO and find the WO number in the Lines section: 

2. Open the WO in a separate tab

3. Delete the original PO

  • Go back to the PO (but keep the WO open in a separate tab)
  • Click on the trash can icon at the top
  • A pop-up will appear asking to confirm if you'd like to delete the PO -> Click Yes

4. Go back to the WO and delete the warehouse shipment

  • Click on Related -> Warehouse -> Warehouse Shipment Lines **If you see the message "(There is nothing to show in this view)", then skip to Step 5.

  • After clicking on Warehouse Shipment Lines, a new window will appear.  Click on Show Document.  

  • This will open the Warehouse Shipment.  Click on Shipment -> Pick Lines

  • This will open up the Warehouse Activity Lines.  Click Show Document

  • This will open a new window. Click Manage -> Delete. Click Yes in the next pop up confirmation window.

  • Once the card has been deleted, navigate back to the Warehouse Shipment.  Click Release -> Reopen -> Trash Can Icon at the top

  • A pop-up will appear asking if you would like to delete the Warehouse shipment.  Click Yes. 

5. Post a Post Prepayment Credit Memo

  • Go back to the Sales Order.  Click on Actions -> Posting -> Prepayment -> Post Prepayment Credit Memo

6.  Reopen the order -> Click on Release -> Reopen

7. Update the Posting Date -> Update the Posting Date to today's date: 

8. Edit the items in the WO

  • Save a screenshot of the lines and order total. The new order total must match what it currently is.  If you are replacing with an item that will change the order total, Finance needs to be notified with either a refund request or to collect payment if the new order value is higher.
  • Replace the out of stock sku with the replacement
  • Add in the decoration type, price, discounts (if applicable) and tax code 

9. Add a note and a comment explaining why the change was made

  • The note/comment should state what the original item was, what the new item is, and why the item was changed.
  • The full note in the below screenshot is: "5000-TROBLU-S change to 5000-TURGRE-2XL due to stock issue"


10. Repost the Payment

  • Click on Actions -> Posting -> Prepayment -> Post Prepayment Invoice

11. Release the sales order.  

  • Click on Release -> Release

12. Make sure the PO was sent to the vendor. (If the PO number didn't populate, follow the steps to create one from scratch).

  • Open the PO in a new tab
    • Purchasing -> Purchase Orders -> Search
  • Make sure the "Email Sent" toggle is clicked to the right and greyed out
  • If it is not, follow these steps to send the email:
    • Click on Print/Send
    • Send
    • Ok
    • Send Email
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