Multiple Sku ( Companion Mens /Ladies) product set up

Reference regular product set up for the general path

The only changes to have multiple SKU options ( Generally men's and ladies) are on the Product info page and detailed in Product Attributes

NOTE : DO NOT combine youth and adult in the same item as the taxes for youth need to calculate individually 

To add an additional SKU, first update the "Fit" option in the attributes  ( Mens and Ladies) 

Save and Continue Edit

Back to product details > Product Info > add both men's and ladies Sku > Enter > Save and continue Edit > Request product update

Now that you have requested a product update, you will need to return to the  Product Attributes, remove the newly repopulated colours that are not required

And adjust the size Display order if it has changed 

Dont forget to add the product image for the new item/gender option added. 

Save and Continue Edit. 

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