How to update site front end

For Every site we use the " Nitro" default setting

Under the Plugins tab>Nop Nitro Theme > Settings

** NOTE You can only work in 1 store at a time. If you are copying information from another store and have it open in about Tab - both tabs will save to the most recently opened store 

AKA - don't do this unless you are really paying attention 

If no Hex colour code is provided use default colour selection

Load logo Image for header - Save

There is an option for Custom Head style. Here you can copy and paste preset information from another store if you like that specic layout. 
You can ctrl+F to update Hex colours in the Head style if needed 

** BE careful jumping back and forth between stores

You Can edit colours on the home page by updating the Hex colour codes in the Script 

Now your store should be all Pretty ! 

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