How to Modify Quantities in a WO for Linked PO

Below are the detailed steps required to modify quantities in a Purchase Order and Work Order based on actual stock received:

  1. Go to the Purchase Order that you need to modify with the latest quantities.
  2. Check that the Status = Open. If Order is released... Click on Reopen action.
  3. Go to Quantity column and modify the Quantities on Purchase Line.
  4. Click Release action to release the order.
  5. Now, Go to Sales Order that linked with Purchase Order
  6.  Pre-checks:
    1. If Order is prepaid, then Post a Prepayment Credit Memo with correct posting date & then click reopen action
    2. If Order is normal order without prepayment and status = Released, Click reopen to open a work order.
    3. If there is open warehouse shipment exists, then delete it.
  7. Now, in sales line, clear the PO Number mentioned under Special Order Purchase No. field. This is required only for a victim item only.
    • NOTE: Keep noted the PO Number before clearing it.
  8. Modify values under Quantity field
  9. Now, click on assist icon available on “Special Order Purchase No.” field and choose the PO that we had cleared in step 7. Press OK action to confirm.
  10. If Order is prepaid, then click on Post Prepayment Invoice and then release it.
  11. If order is normal without prepaid terms, then click on Release action to release it.
  12. Proceed to receive and shipment as per latest changes.
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