Wrap Up Codes

New/Flyer Queue Wrap Up Codes

Wrap Code Explanation Order Note Examples
Wrong Queue (Requires Notes) The New Order and Flyer queues are for customers looking to place new orders only.  If they are calling about their existing order, or for a different platform (i.e. EntripyShops, Slaite or ZipMerch), we would choose this option. WEB96854 asking when his order will be ready for pick up. ____ES65875 asking what the turnaround time on EntripyShops is
Samples Use this if the caller is looking for help to order blank samples Liza looking for blank samples of style 5000, 2000 and 8000 t-shirts.  Building a sample order for her - WO325796
Not a customer Use this if the customer did not mean to call Entripy, EntripyShops, ZipMerch, or Slaite.  Customer thought she was calling PizzaPizza - she had the wrong number.
Test Call Use this if you are testing the system.  This is meant to be used internally. TEST - showing new hire how to use 8x8.
QUOTE SENT Use this if you are able to send the caller a quote.  Emailed quote for 26 black t-shirts style 3930R with a 3 colour print on the front to Tony - Tony.Stark@ironman.com
CONVERTED ON SPOT Use this if you are able to help the caller place an order while on the phone. Walked customer through placing an order online - Order placed - WEB100854
QNS - Too Expensive QNS stands for Quote Not Sent.  Use this if you are unable to convert the call into an order because the price for the items that the customer is looking for is too expensive Can't convert - customer wants 100 shirts with a 5 colour print on them for $1.50ea but our price is $9.85ea.  Suggested to switch to tote bags as they are more cost effective but they are set on t-shirts. 
QNS - Can't get in time QNS stands for Quote Not Sent.  Use this if you are unable to convert the call into an order because we will not be able to complete the customer's order by the date that they need.  Can't convert - customer wants 500 t-shirts in-hands tonight.
QNS - Don't carry item QNS stands for Quote Not Sent.  Use this if you are unable to convert the call into an order because we do not carry the item that the customer wants.  Can't convert - customer is looking to order paper wedding cards which we do not offer.
QNS - Customer Stock QNS stands for Quote Not Sent.  Use this if you are unable to convert the call into an order because the customer wants to bring in their own stock which is something we do not do.  Can't convert - customer wanted to bring his own sweatshirts into the office for us to print on. 
QNS - Not ready to place order yet QNS stands for Quote Not Sent.  Use this if you are unable to convert the call into an order because the customer is not yet ready to place an order.  Bryan from Flemming called in to ask what our turnaround time is and what our pricing for 20 of the 4800 shirts are.  Gave him the information and offered to send him a quote but he said he is fine for now and just collecting info.
QNS - Customer will place order on his own QNS stands for Quote Not Sent.  Use this if you are unable to convert the call into an order on the spot because the customer is confident to place the order online without your help.  Chris from Humber called in.  Walked him through the Quote & Order section of the site and how to upload a logo.  He will place the order online himself today.
QNS - Customer wants blanks QNS stands for Quote Not Sent.  Use this if you are unable to convert the call into an order because the customer wants blank stock (no print), which is something we do not do.  Can't convert - Jason wants blank hoodies. 
Internal Transfer (Within CE) Use this if you have transferred the call to another member of the Client Experience Team Jake calling in to speak to Luiza about a quote that she sent to him earlier today.  Transferred to Luiza. 
External Transfer (Outside of CE)  Use this if you have transferred the call to another employee outside of the Client Experience Team Alisha calling in to provide payment for her order.  Transferred her to Finance.
Client hung up before call started Use this if you pick up the phone and nobody is there.  Take down the client's phone number and call them back right away.  Client hung up before call started.  The client's phone number was 416-855-4848, I will be calling them back now right after I wrap this call up. 
Built cart for customer (requires email address)  Use this if during the call, you impersonate the customer on entripy.com/admin and build their cart for them to check out.  Built cart for Kendall - kendall.jones@gmail.com.  Advised her to double check quantities, colours, sizes and artwork before checking out.  She will check out tonight.
Design Studio Help Use this if you assist the customer online in the Design Studio.  Yanik placing an order for grad hoodies.  Walked him through how to add personalized names in the design studio, he did not realize that he needed to click on the name on the image to enter the personalizations.
Client Relations Inquiry Use this if the inquiry is about something that we can do offline / if you transfer the call to Krysta, Laura, Matt or Honey from our Offline / Client Relations / Account Executive team. Paul looking for a 3 colour print on tote bags.  Transferred the call to Krysta since this is something we can do offline.

Existing Order Wrap Up Codes

Wrap Code Explanation Order Note Examples
Billing / Payment Inquiry Use this if the client is calling in with a payment inquiry.  WEB45242 asking how to enter in a new credit card for his order because the one he originally entered keeps getting declined.  Walked him through the steps of how to enter in a new card number into our site. 
Change Order - Address Use this if the client is calling in to change the Billing or Shipping address on their order.  WEB87242 calling in to change the shipping address on his order from 22 Georgia Street to 28 Georgia Street.  Made this change in BC for her and will email her a PDF confirmation shortly. 
Change Order - Artwork Use this if the client is calling in to change the artwork on their order WEB87857 asking to make the back logo 4 inches smaller, and to remove the text from underneath the front logo.  Requested these changes in the Proofing Studio for her. 
Change Order - Discount Use this if the client is calling in to inquire, change or add a discount onto their order.  WEB98751 called in because she forgot to add the SCHOOL10 discount to her order at check-out.  Added it on for her in NopCommerce. 
Change Order - Service Level Use this if the client is calling in to change the service level of their order.  WEB97852 asking to change their order from a Standard Service to a rush.  Advised her that the tote bags on her order do not qualify for a rush but that the t-shirts do.  She decided to remove the tote bags from the order.  Changed the t-shirts to a rush and she will place a separate order for the tote bags as she's only in a rush for the t-shirts, not the tote bags. 
Change Order - Shipping Method Use this if the client is calling in to change the shipping method on their order WO387946 asked to change the shipping method from pick up to shipping on her order.  The order is already approved and in Business Central so advised the client of what the cost of shipping would be and emailed her in HS#1224433 with Finance CC'd to ask for payment so that we can make the switch in our system. 
Change Order - Stock Use this if the client is calling in to ask to change the stock around on their order.  WEB98782 asked to change the 2 small black shirts on her order to size medium.  Updated this in NopCommerce for her and she will approve her proofs shortly. 
Proofing Help (Client Confused) Use this if the client is calling in for help with our proofing process.  WEB65288 asking how to approve her proof.  Walked her through the steps of logging into our site and approving the proof that she wants.  Her order is now in production. 
Proofing Help (E-Graphics Issue) Use this if the client is calling in to inquire/complain about a proof or revision that was done incorrectly.  WEB65879 asked us to make his logo white but our proofing team made it purple in error.  Apologized for the error and flagged with our Proofing Team to get this corrected ASAP. 
Where is my order (pending approval at proofing stage) Use this if the client is calling in to ask about their order status, and after looking it up, it is still awaiting their proof approval in the Proofing Studio. WEB87884 asking for an update on his order.  It's still pending approval in the Proofing studio.  Advised her that she needs to log into our site, navigate to the proofing studio, and approve the proof so that we can proceed with scheduling the order for production. 
Where is my order (order pending fulfillment)  Use this if the client is calling in to ask about their order status, and after looking it up, the Promise Date is a date in the future.   WEB57842 asking for an update on her order.  After checking in BC, advised her that the order is not due until next Thursday.  Advised her that it is on schedule to ship out next Thursday for arrival at her Oakville office by end of day next Friday. 
Where is my order (production delay) Use this if the client is calling in to ask about their order status, and after looking it up, it is delayed (promise date has passed and the order is not done yet). WEB87824 asking for an update on her order.  After checking in BC and Veris I see that all stock is here but we haven't started printing the order in HT yet.  Asked Denis about this in teams and advised the client that I will call her back with an update within 1 hour. 
Where is my order (billed)  Use this if the client is calling in to ask for their order status, and after looking it up in BC, the order has already been completed and is in the Complete or Shipped state.  WEB98427 asking for an update on his order.  Advised him that the order is already completed and shipped out yesterday and should be arriving to his Toronto location today. 
Pick Up Inquiry (hours +/ location) Use this if the client is calling in asking when / where they can pick up their completed order.  WEB78787 asking what time we close and if his order is complete.  Advised him that it is ready for pick up and that we close at 5pm. He said he will be here by 4pm.
Post Order Complaint Use this if the client is calling in to file a complaint about an order that they've already received.  WEB58975 calling to complain about crooked print on 2 out of 36 pieces on his order.  Asked him to email pictures over to resolutions@entripy.com so that we could issue a refund or replacement for these 2 pieces. 
Client Hung up Before Call Started Use this if you pick up the phone and nobody is there.  Take down the client's phone number and call them back right away.  Client hung up before call started.  The client's phone number was 416-855-4848, I will be calling them back now right after I wrap this call up. 
Internal Transfer (within CE)  Use this if you are transferring the call to another member of the Client Experience Team Jake calling about a quote that Wally helped him out with earlier today - transferring him to Wally. 
External Transfer (outside of CE)  Use this if you are transferring the call to another employee outside of the Client Experience Team George calling in to provide payment for his order.  Transferred to Finance. 
Wrong Queue (Requires notes) The Existing Call queue is for customers inquiring about an order that has already been placed with us.  If they are calling for a different platform (i.e. EntripyShops, Slaite or ZipMerch), we would choose this option.  **If they are calling to place an order, they should be transferred to the New Call queue and the disposition Wrong Queue (Should be New) should be chosen.  Asking what the turnaround time on EntripyShops is.
Wrong Queue (Should be New)  The existing Call queue is for customers inquiring about an order that has already been placed with us.   If they are calling to place an order, they should be transferred to the New Call queue and the disposition Wrong Queue (Should be New) should be chosen.  Janet asking to place an order for 300 t-shirts.  Transferred her to the New Call Queue

Dial 0 Wrap Up Codes:

  • Should be New
  • Should be Existing
  • Should be Shops
  • Should be ZipMerch
  • Should be Slaite
  • Should be Tims
  • Should be Relations
  • Should be Resolutions
  • Should be Finance
  • Should be HR
  • Transfer to Other (Notes Required) 
  • Client hung up before call started
  • SPAM
  • Test Call
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