How to Unsubscribe a Customer from our Mailing List

If an customer reaches out via email or chat asking us to unsubscribe them from our mailing list, take the following steps:

1. Instruct the customer that they can unsubscribe themselves by clicking on the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of the marketing email.  You can use this script for this (it can also be found as a canned response in HelpScout titled Unsubscribe from Mailing List)

Hi ____,

Thank you for reaching out.  At the bottom of the email that you received, you should see an Unsubscribe link.  Clicking this will allow you to remove your email from our mailing list. 

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and we would be more than happy to assist. 


If for any reason the customer cannot find the Unsubscribe button or it doesn't work, DO NOT click unsubscribe for them.  Instead, take the following steps: 

1. Email with the following information: 

  • A screenshot of the customer's request to unsubscribe.  (If the customer inquired over the phone, include their phone number and the date + time that the request to unsubscribe was made).
  • The customer's email address
  • The HelpScout number for the interaction where the customer asked to be unsubscribed (this can be found at the top right of the HelpScout email, see redarrow below)
  • The brand (e.g., EntripyShops, ZipMerch or Slaite) that the customer wishes to be unsubscribed from. 


Your email to platform-ops would look like this (it can also be found as a canned response in HelpScout titled Unsubscribe Request to Platform Ops)

Subject: Unsubscribe from Mailing List

Hi team,

Please unsubscribe [insert customer's email address here] from our [insert brand (Entripy, EntripyShops, ZipMerch or Slate)] mailing list.  Below is a screenshot from HS#1166869 of the customer's request to be unsubscribed: 


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