Tips For Helping Clients

10 Tips for Dealing with Customers

1. Listen to Customers

  • Sometimes, customers just need to know that you’re listening.
  • If they’re confused or have a problem, by lending a listening ear, you’re showing that you care and that you’re not dismissing them.

2. Apologize

  • When something goes wrong, apologize. It’s amazing how calming the words “I’m sorry” can be.
  • Don’t engage in fault-finding or laying blame, but let them know you’re sorry they had a problem.
  • Deal with the problem immediately and let the customer know what you have done.

3. Take Them Seriously

  • Make customers feel important and appreciated.
  • No matter how ridiculous a question may sound to you; it’s important to the customer.
  • If they feel like they’re being laughed at, or spoken down to, they will not purchase anything. Customers can be very sensitive and will know whether or not you really care about them.

4. Stay Calm

  • Difficult as it is sometimes, it is important to stay calm.
  • Your calming approach will help your customer stay calm too.
  • They will feel like you’re in control of the situation and that you can help solve their problem.

5. Identify and Anticipate Needs

  • Most customer needs are emotional rather than logical.
  • The more you know your customers, the better you become at anticipating their needs.
  • Communicate regularly so that you’re aware of problems or upcoming needs.

6. Suggest Solutions

7. Appreciate the Power of “Yes”

  • Always look for ways to help your customers.
  • When they have a request (as long as it is reasonable) tell them that you can do it - The client asks for a discount/ offer a SCHOOL10 if it's a school, or you can offer a 10% discount that is floating around online during a sale.
  • Figure out how afterward. Look for ways to make doing business with you easy. Always do what you say you’re going to do especially if you offer a callback.

8. Acknowledge Your Limits

  • Yes is a powerful word but if you’re unable to fulfill a request: know your limits.
  • You can’t be everything to everyone. If you don’t think you can fulfill the request, help them find an alternate remedy.
  • Whether that remedy is your business or a different entity of Entripy: EntripyShops/ Zip Merch or Slaite/ or even Client Relations, they will appreciate the extra mile you went to help them and will recommend your business to their network.

9. Smile

  • Customer service is no longer just about face-to-face contact but mostly through email, telephone, or chat nowadays.
  • Clients can tell when a representative is happy and engaged in the call, ready and confident to help with any question.

10. Get Regular Feedback

  • Feedback is a great way to grow both your business and your own personal skills.
  • Always ask "Is there anything else we can help you with for today Mrs. Smith?" can make the call personable.
  • If we do regular callbacks on quotes/ calls this can help with asking for feedback about the call or gives them a chance to ask new questions or for you to provide more help.
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