1st Call Resolution

1st Call Resolution

First Call Resolution is  how often your client experience agents resolve problems without the need for subsequent follow up from the client

  • Too often the same client is calling back multiple times in the same day.
  • What is lacking in the call that is requiring the client to keep calling/ emailing or chatting with us?
  • How can we take control of the call/ email or chat that can answer the clients questions/ concerns/ and confidently have the order converted and moved to web processing.

Call - Content - Control - Convert:

  • Call comes in - Give open ended queues "Thank you for calling Entripy, my name is Susan",  "How can I help you today". 
  • Listen to the content of what the client NEEDS. Use the funnel effect 1) Open questions, 2) Probing questions, and C) Closed questions as seen above.
  • You're in charge of the call - you know the end goal is to convert the client.  Steer them towards the end goal. They look to you to be the knowledgeable one that can give them what they need.

What can you do in a call:

  • Can you send a quote? - Offer to build a quote and send it to them.  This will give us more info on this client and we can attempt to contact them at a later date.  Building the clients cart is still ok but it is harder to follow up with and items sit in the clients cart sometimes for long periods of time.
  • Is the client worried about a budget? Does the client mention the amount is expensive? Can you help with special pricing - Don't guarantee/  but advise you will look into the pricing to see if you can help. Depending on the quantity we can always check to see if we can help with pricing.
  • Entripy can price match: You can explain if they send us an unedited formal quote: with the same product/ quantity/ Canadian funds/ must detail all costs including tax and shipping. We can then review the information if they qualify for a price match of the competitor quote.
  • Use the Subcategories/ filters on our website to help you and the client narrow down what they are looking for. Look and review all items on our website, review the collections for certain businesses that call in (example Dental Office, Construction)  Those collections are geared towards the most popular items those businesses use often.
  • Offer a Sample Order -  Last resort you can always offer clients who sound like they are on the fence because they are not sure about the quality of the item.  Let the client know samples are a good way to see the product in person, try it on, feel and see how the product fits. This will give the client a better educated decision as what to expect when the order is completed.
  • Control your silences - Don't leave awkward dead air on the call.
  • Hold time - Try not to leave the client on hold for longer than 1-2 minutes without going back to apologize for the hold and let them know you need more time to look into their inquiry.

Reasons Client might not commit the first time:

  • What is stopping the client? Client is asking for a discount? - You can advise them if they sign up for our Newsletter they can use YAY10 to give 10% off their order (If applicable to the items in their cart). If you have a personal discount code you can offer it if the client sounds like they need that extra budge to place the order. Remember you can always ask if the client is in a hurry with receiving this upcoming order? If they choose the Economy Service this will give Entripy 10 bus days to complete the order and gives the client more savings of 5% up to $25 more off the order.
  • What is stopping the client? Stock? If an item is out of stock - steer the client to a different product - similar in quality and in price.
  • What is stopping the client? Errors in cart? - Make note of the error and email our Dev Team to get that sorted for the client ASAP - it-support@entripy.com.
  • What is stopping the client? Can't get the order in time? - We offer Hot rush/  Regular Rush options (Service Level) to help get the order to the customer quicker (is product applicable).
  • There will always be something that might hinder a client from placing an order - listen to your client/ use probing questions/ find a solution that fits.


Each call that comes in should be no longer than 10-15 minutes at most. If you stay too long on the call this will hurt the Teams talk time and will also leave room for lost sales, missed calls and unhappy clients.  If you feel overwhelmed in the call you can gather the information and put that into a quote to send to  and then call them back this will lead to better rapports with the client and overall more success for the TEAM. 

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