Special Pricing - How to Input request

Firstly you can always send a Price request if you notice the client is mentioning they can't afford the order/ The is too expensive or that they have a budget. 

  • If they have a budget find out what it is they expected to pay per piece.
  • If the client sends you a competitor quote then make sure of the follow criteria's below.

Price Match Program requirements (listed below):

  1. Quote must be from a Canadian competitor and must be in CDN funds. 
  2. Quote must detail all costs including tax and shipping (All associated fees). 
  3. Quote must be in a non editable form like PDF.
  4. Product and print/ quantity specifications must be detailed. 

If you don't already have the Price Request App - See below how to get the Price App first.

1) Teams App Store > "Built with Power Platform" Section.

3) Click on Price Request App : It will look like this below

6) This will take you to the next page.  This is just a reminder to enter each and every product in the order.  Click the large [X] in the top right to clear that page to start the process for requesting a Special Price.

  • Add each product that the client is interested in
  • You will need to go into BC to get the [ITEMS] pricing from the vendor (our price) and enter it /  See next step for this.
  • You will also need to work out the pricing on our website/  See next step for this.

Working out the pricing on our website to enter for each product you're asking Special Pricing for:

A box will open on page.

  • This is where you add all competitor pricing/  outline all that the competitor is offering: Price/ Discounts/ Taxes/ Shipping/ Item/ color/ Decoration in detail.
  • Then you also enter the order information of what Entripy is offering for the same items, and ask what we can do to help keep this client to order with Entripy.
  • If its just a request for special pricing with no competitor quote/  give the details [Example: "Client wants to know if they can have the same pricing as their last order $8 per piece"]
  • Once you're done your note/  read it over and make sure everything is in the note, as you can only send it out once, there is no going back and editing later.

All Done - This request goes right to Jas.  He will then send you back a teams Message in chat under [POWER AUTOMATE] and you will see his edits to lock in the pricing he is offering that specific client.

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