Pricing Embroidery when Stitch Count is Higher than Website Minimum

Website Stitch Count Limit

Left Chest, Right Chest, Left Sleeve, Right Sleeve, Yoke: up to 15K stitches

Full Front, Full Back: up to 30k stitches

  • When digital proofs are delivered by the Proofing Teams, a stitch count will be provided in the PDF file
  • If the stitch count is not provided, email the Proofing Team back to ask for the stitch count.  Once the EMB PDF file is located, the stitch count can be found here: 
  • If the client's artwork contains a stitch count higher than the website minimum, add $0.50 for each 1000 stitch count over. 
  • Entripy does not charge digitizing charges; this charge is factored into the price per item online. If the client's artwork is over 40K stitches, the digitizing cost must be divided by the number of pieces in the order
Stitch Count Digitizing Cost (to divide over number of pieces in order)
30,000 - 40,000 $0
40,001 - 55,000 $50
55,001 - 75,000 $75
75,001 - 90,000 $100
90,001+ Send Price Request form

Example of Pricing

Order Details: 
Client's Order: 50 sweatshirts
Logo Size: 59K stitches
Location: Full Front

Website price based on 50 sweatshirts with 1 location embroidery on full front up to 30K stitches is $54.98

  • Client's logo is 59K stitches.  Website maximum is 30K stitches.  The difference is 19K stitches. 
  • Charge $0.50 for each additional 1000 stitches over the website minimum.  $0.50 x 19 = $9.50
  • Logo is 59K stitches, so $75 must be added for digitizing.  $75/50 pieces in order = $1.50.  Add $1.50 to the price per item.
  • Website price $54.98 + $9.50 for additional stitches + $1.50 for digitizing = $65.98
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