Pending Approvals

How to open the Pending Approval List:

  • -> Sales -> Orders
  • Enter 7/1/2022 into the Start date field
  • Change the Order status to Pending
  • Click Search

Managing different scenarios:

Scenario: The client has selected the proofs but hasn't approved their order:

  1. Find these orders by going to
  2. The Proofing Status column shows how many proofs there are in an order, and how many of those proofs have been approved by the client. Look for the orders where all proofs are approved (as shown in the below screenshot), and make note of all of these order numbers.

  1. Open the Pending Approval list in a separate tab.
  2. Enter the order number into the Go directly to order # section and click Go
  3. Scroll to the bottom and check the payment method.

    - If the payment method is "Credit Card", send the client the script titled 6 - Proofs Selected but not Finalized (Paid by CC).

    Example of this email:

    - If the payment method is "Paid By School Terms", send the client the script titled 6 - Proofs Selected but not Finalized (Paid by Terms).

    Example of this email:

Things to keep in mind:

Email Subject: Keep your email subjects uniform. For this scenario, they should be Proof Selected but not Approved (Entripy WEB______)

Assigning emails: Assign your emails to the Pending Approval folder and mark it as pending so that you can follow up on it again tomorrow. Only close the ticket once the order has been approved or cancelled.

Do your research to ensure a cohesive communication: Before sending any scripts, look the client's email address up in HelpScout to check if any other team member has already sent the script, or if there is already an ongoing conversation with the client and another member of our team.) Example of this email:

Follow-up Schedule

  • Initial Interaction: We should be checking the list daily and emailing anybody that hasn't approved their proof as soon as we see their order appear on the list.
  • Follow-Up #1: If they do not approve their proof or respond back with 1 business day, call them to follow up. Also email them again to follow up.
  • Follow-Up #2: If they do not approve their proof or respond back 2 business days after Follow-Up #1, call them again and email them to let them know that if we do not hear back within 3 business days, we will have to cancel their order.
  • Cancellation: If by the 3rd business day they do not respond back, cancel their order in the system and send them notice of cancellation.
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