Moneris Go Portal

Creating a payment request 

Log into the Moneris Go portal  

On the sidebar menu (shown below), click on Payment requests. 

When the "Payment requests" page displays (shown below), click on the Create payment request button. 

When the "Create payment request" page displays (shown below), continue to the next step. 

Click on the calendar 

icon in the "Payment request due date" bar to display the date range drop-down (shown below), and do one of the following:  

To select a preset due date: 

Note:    The default due date is "Net 7" (i.e., seven days from date of this payment request's creation). 

Due on receipt (payment is due the day on which the payment request is created) – Time sensitive orders (RUSH/HOT RUSH/Production promise date) 

To select a custom due date: 

a.    In the date range drop-down (shown above), click on the Custom date button. 

b.    When the calendar displays, click on a specific calendar date to highlight it. 

Note:     To roll the calendar date backward or forward, click on the back ˂ icon or the next ˃ icon beside the month or year shown in the calendar header until you reach the desired month/year.  Alternatively, you can click on the down ˅ icon beside the month and/or year, and select a specific month/year. 

c.    Click on the calendar's Apply button. 

Fill in the mandatory payment fields: 

a.   In the Customer email field, enter the customer's email address (the payment request will be sent to this address). 

b.   In the Product description field, enter a description of the product/service for which you are sending the payment request.  Brief summary is sufficient. 

c.   In the Price field, enter the payment request amount ($0.00). 

Fill in the other payment fields as required: 

a.   In the Notes field, optionally enter supplementary information about the payment request. 

Note:     The information that you enter in the "Notes" field will not be seen by your customer. 

Review and confirm all details are correct.   

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a.    Click on the payment request's Send button. 

b.    When the "Payment request sent successfully" response displays, the operation is complete. 

Note:     When your screen transitions to the "Payment requests" page, the payment request that you just sent will have a status indicating "Sent" or "Pending". (For status definitions, see Payment request status indicators defined.) 

Resending a payment request 

If you reopen a payment request that is in "Overdue", "Sent", or "Pending" status, you can opt to resend the same payment request to the customer although you cannot alter any of payment request details.  

Under Payment requests, retrieve the record of the payment request that you want to resend. 

Once you retrieve the desired record, click on it to view its "Payment request details" page (shown below).     

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a.    Click on the payment request's Resend button. 

b.    When the "Payment request sent successfully" response displays, the operation is complete. 

Note:     Your screen will transition back to the "Payment requests" page. The status of the newly re-sent payment request should indicate "Overdue" or "Sent".  However, it may indicate "Pending". (For status definitions, see Payment request status indicators defined.) 

Cancelling a payment request 

You can rescind (cancel) a payment request that has the status "Sent", "Overdue" or "Pending" (i.e., the customer has not yet made the payment). When you cancel a payment request, it permanently deactivates the payment request link that your customer received (or will receive) in their payment request email, thereby preventing the possibility of payment. The steps below describe how to cancel a payment request that was sent through your Moneris Go portal store. 

Initiate a payment requests report, and retrieve the record of the payment request that you want to cancel. 

Once you retrieve the desired record, click on it to view its "Payment request details" page (shown below). 

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Click on the payment request's Cancel button. 

When the "Cancel payment request" dialog displays (shown below), click on the Yes button. 

A screenshot of a payment request

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When the "Payment request successfully cancelled" response displays, the operation is complete. 

Note:     When your screen transitions to the "Payment requests" page, the status of this payment request will indicate "Cancelled". 

Paid Orders

Once an order has been paid by the customer, there is no notification sent back to us. We will have to monitor the Moneris site to see if the payment has been updated to Paid as shown below:


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