Rates and expected delivery times.
- Are all items in one order shipped together?
- Are there any customs, duties or tariff fees for orders travelling into the U.S.?
- Can I add promotional materials or other add-ins to my customer’s order?
- Can I buy Slaite items in bulk and stock them in my own warehouse or home?
- Can I include a custom message for Slaite orders?
- Can I track my orders?
- Do I need to provide any paperwork for shipping to the US?
- Do you charge taxes and customs on international orders?
- Does Slaite offer custom labeling service?
- Does Slaite use branded packaging?
- How are Slaite products packaged for shipment?
- How can I check the status of an order?
- How do I change or cancel my order?
- How do I know if Slaite has received my order?
- How long does fulfillment take?
- How long does it take to process an order?
- How long does US shipping take?
- Is express shipping an option?
- Is the cost of shipping included in the cost of the product?
- Is US shipping trackable?